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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother's Love

This story has many version, but all of it have one point. That is how big mother's love to us.This story will be told again by me to remind us to our beloved mother. Here is the story : One day, a little boy came out to his mother in the kitchen while she was cleaning plate and glass after supper.He gave her a piece of paper that he had been writing on.After his Mom dried her hands, she read it, and this is what it said:

For going to store to buy soap for you : $3
For cleaning the mess that made by my 5 years old brother : $4
For getting out garbage : $3
For getting excellent report card in school : $5
For helping you clean the dinner table : $1
For giving you massage when you are tired : $5

Total owed : $21

Well, his mother looked at him, and took a pen to write down on the paper.
Here what she wrote :

For nine months i bear you until you born : $0
For worrying and taking care of you when you sick : $0
For all your anger to me : $0
For food,clothes,education : $0
For taking care of you from born to this age : $0
For all crying when you hurt me : $0
For all pray to God asking him to protect you : $0
My son, when you added it up, the cost for my love to you is $0

When this boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were a big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight to his mother and said "Mom, i'm sorry, i sure do love you".And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL".

I just want you to know that you will never know how much your parents loves you, sometimes when you easily angry at them, they always still care of you. Sometimes they get angry to you to make you become a good people.They are really proud of you when they watch you sing in the church, when you do a good thing, when you help people.We can see parent's love just like sun light, always give, never asking back.So be a giver not an asker.

For you who still have your mother alive,give her a big kiss and ask for her forgiveness, taking care of her, don't easily get angry to her, tell her that you love her very much.If she far away from you, call her and tell her you lover her, always make her smile and proud of you.If she passed away, pray for her.

Pray everyday for your parents, asking God to watch and protect them.