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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Function Terbilang in Indonesian (Crystal Report)

The original source is from here:

So first step is you need to create 4 function, first function is:

view source
01 Function Bilangan (x as Number)
02 Select Case x
03 Case 0
04 Bilangan = ""
05 case 1
06 Bilangan = "satu "
07 case 2
08 Bilangan = "dua "
09 case 3
10 Bilangan = "tiga "
11 case 4
12 Bilangan = "empat "
13 case 5
14 Bilangan = "lima "
15 case 6
16 Bilangan = "enam "
17 case 7
18 Bilangan = "tujuh "
19 case 8
20 Bilangan = "delapan "
21 case 9
22 Bilangan = "sembilan "
23 case 10
24 Bilangan = "sepuluh "
25 case 11
26 Bilangan = "sebelas "
28 End Select
30 End Function

Second Function

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01 Function DictDown (x as Number) as String
02 Select Case x
03 Case 0
04 DictDown = "ratus "
05 case 1
06 DictDown = ""
07 case 2
08 DictDown = "puluh "
09 End Select
11 End Function

Third Function

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01 Function DictUp (x as Number) as string
02 Select Case x
03 Case 0
04 DictUp = ""
05 case 1
06 DictUp = "ribu "
07 case 2
08 DictUp = "juta "
09 case 3
10 DictUp = "milyar "
11 case 4
12 DictUp = "triliun"
13 End Select
15 End Function

Last Function that we will be using to call the converter is:

view source
01 Function getTerbilang (x as Number) as String
02 Dim out as String
03 dim inp as String
04 dim temp as string
05 dim temp2 as string
06 dim add as string
07 Dim pjg, j As Number
08 Dim flagEmpty As Boolean
09 flagEmpty = True
10 out = ""
11 inp = cstr (x,0,"","")
12 pjg = Len(inp)
13 temp = ""
14 temp2 = ""
16 For j = 0 To pjg - 1 Step 1
17 temp = Mid(inp,j+1, 1)
19 If (pjg - j) Mod 3 = 0 Then
20 flagEmpty = True
21 End If
23 If temp = "0" Then
24 add = ""
25 ElseIf temp = "1" And ((pjg - j) Mod 3 <> 1 Or (j = 0 And pjg <> 1)) Then
26 add = ""
27 If (pjg - j) Mod 3 = 2 Then
28 temp2 = Mid(inp,j + 2, 1) 'if 12, then read the 2
29 If temp2 = "1" Or temp2 = "0" Then
30 add = add & "Se"
31 Else
32 add = add & bilangan(cdbl(temp2))
33 End If
34 If temp2 = "0" Then
35 add = add & "puluh "
36 Else
37 add = add & "belas "
38 End If
40 j = j + 1 'This part read two number simultaneusly Example 112 it read 12 both.
41 Else
42 add = "Se"
43 add = add & dictDown((pjg - j) Mod 3)
44 End If
46 flagEmpty = False
47 Else
48 add = bilangan(CDbl(temp)) & dictDown((pjg - j) Mod 3)
49 flagEmpty = False
50 End If
52 If (pjg - j) Mod 3 = 1 And flagEmpty = False Then
53 add = add & dictUp((pjg - j - 1) \ 3)
54 End If
56 out = out & add
58 Next
59 temp = UCase(Left(out, 1))
60 temp2 = Mid(out,2)
61 out = temp & temp2
62 getTerbilang = out
64 End Function

How to use it:

Very simple, in formula editor just call the function like this getTerbilang(25000), and it will return Dua puluh lime ribu

1 Comment:

Sama Bingungnya said...
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